Tube Expansion System
Tube Expanding is the art of
reducing a tube wall by compressing the outer
diameter of the tube against a fixed container such
as rolling tubes into tube sheets, drums, ferrules
or flanges.

Hydrive - Hydraulic tube expansion system
• Low noise level easy on operator's ears
• Best suited for boiler tube expansion inside drums
• Accurate torque control by pressure setting on power pack
• Safe in operation, 24 v control voltage
• Can expand from 3/4" to 4" O.D. in conjunction with 3 drives
• Competitive prices
• Smooth

Torque Controller
Tristar introduces latest state of the art torque controller unit for tube expanding based on torque control by wattage setting. The new development is superior to the conventional torque unit based on current settings and has proven reliability and accuracy. These units are available in 2 models TWTC - 230 volts & TWTC - 110 volts.